Saturday, December 14, 2013

Spending Time With God

"You need God to get to know God"

Ever read an autobiography or watch a documentary of your favorite person,artist,author, whomever and thought to yourself "yeah it told me everything I could possibly want to know but I wish I knew him/her personally" ? Do you ever feel like that about God? 

The Bible gives so many interesting events that happened in history, so many miracles, people having conversations with God. I mean the Bible gives us a way to see the character and integrity of God, what He likes and what he doesn't like, what He stands for and what He wont stand for, who He is, what gets Him upset, what He delights in, His love, His standards. The list goes on and on. The Bible will always be the most essential blue print in right living. BUT there's more, what if you could get to know God personally too, to know His voice to recognize Him in everything?.... You can.

Spending time with God is essential, but some people don't really know how to go about it or maybe they don't have the time, they're just too busy, or they look at it as a boring chore that has to be done if you're a Christian rather than looking at it as an intimate time between you and the Creator of the universe. TRUTH IS you will make the time for the things and people you want.

Honesty Time: I had a thing about rushing, if I knew I wanted to complete something then whats the point in checking the facts, or going through a process, I knew what I wanted done and how I wanted it done so the "time is always right now" my intentions were always good but my timing wasn't. 

For example as I started to spend more time with God I started to get excited about what I was finding out about him; "He's sooo cool, He created this, loves this (wait I love that too!, we like similar things!), etc. So of course I wanted to bypass this whole getting to know Him more and jump right into Him talking to me through burning bushes and parting Red Seas in front of me (read the book of Exodus). So I convinced myself that I had put all the time in and all that was left was to spiritually grow because me and God were the best of friends and don't get me wrong that is still true. Among other things I do consider Him my best friend. You're as close to God as you want to be...but there's a process to most things.

Psalm 25:14 says "The Lord confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them."

  • Confide: means to give as a responsibility or put into another's care; entrust. To tell something in confidence.
God offers an intimate and lasting friendship to those who revere Him. To have the Lord confide in you is an amazing experience and having the Lord of all creation as a friend is not anything you can compare.

Fellowship with God is an amazing privilege that every believer should experience daily. We should value our relationship with Christ as more important than anything else.

Here's some ways that you could do to spend time with God but you're not limited to these. As you start to grow and get to know Him you may even add personal ways to your list:

1) Get a Bible that you can understand clearly and make a habit out of reading it. Don't leave it on your dresser or the back of your drawer collecting dust. His Word is one of the tools He uses to reveal Himself to you. I personally use the NIV Life Application Study Bible and love it.

2) PRAY, often....everyday. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) .You don't need a doctorate in theology to talk to Jesus. I cant stress enough that prayer is a intimate conversation between you and Him, be real with Him, He knows the REAL YOU and you don't have to put on a show. Be as genuine as you can with your Savior.
Pour out your heart to Him, vent, let go of all those ideas you may have of God being "impersonal" and not being able to understand what you're going through and trust Him enough to be able to handle it. (Psalm 62:8)

3) Praise Him, praising God demonstrates gratitude for all that God does for you. It's about acknowledging His goodness, mercy,grace. Celebrating who He is.Thanksgiving can also be a form of praise.

4) Get quiet, be still, stop and listen for Him (Psalm 46:10). It's too easy to feel like nothing is happening if we aren't doing anything but "Being still and doing nothing is two very different things" . Whether if its first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up or choosing times throughout the day praying, praising.....then you get quiet, sitting at His feet in silence inviting Him to just transform you

5) Make your relationship with Jesus PERSONAL. What do you like to do? How do you like to express yourself? Take that and do it for Him. For example; if you're better at writing down your feelings, write Him letters and poems. If you're artistic, paint & draw for Him. If you're good at singing....sing for Him. Make it personal by combining the things that you love to do and do it for Him.

6) Include Him in every aspect of your life. I remember listening to this sermon from Joyce Meyer and in it she said "If you go to the supermarket take God with you....take Him everywhere" sounds easy enough right? Well a while back, there was this one particular week, I was craving sushi all that week, so I planned to go one day after work and decided to "take God with me" instead of ordering it and picking it up, I decided to sit down. To be honest it felt WEIRD and awkward at first but I made a "Lunch date" out of it.  Guess what, it was fun and different but I enjoyed it. You have to come to a place of being happy with just you and God.

Philippians chapter 3:4-14 the apostle Paul talks about his credentials, credits and successes, and this man was very successful, his achievements were impressive and he was intelligent, but he states that he writes it all off as garbage when compared with the greatness of knowing Christ. Knowing Christ puts things into perspective because as you get to know Him, the Truth which is Christ, becomes the focal point of your life.

Spend time with Him
Gaelle M. D

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