Monday, January 6, 2014


"God is never going to help you act like somebody else....other than Jesus"

I have had my time of being discontent being who I am. I had raging insecurities in high school that found its way to my adulthood, most people have insecurities but just because its common doesn't mean we should be walking around accepting it... In high school, I was just a hot mess of personas. Me being trained in acting did not help the situation at all either. 

I had this thing where I compared myself to a bunch of girls, whether it was some pretty girl in my history class that got all the attention that I wanted or the girl who got to date the guy that I liked so I chalked it up to "There must be something wrong with me so I have to change whatever it is",but comparing yourself to someone is one of the fastest ways to steal your joy. Your portion is YOURS, envying what someone else has is distracting you from YOUR blessings, which then turns into you being dissatisfied and ungrateful with what God is actively doing in your life.

I remember one day the guy I was dating for years said to me "It's ok to be yourself, you don't have to compare yourself to anyone" , it was random when he said it and I actually got offended when he said it because I felt like he can see right through an insecurity that I thought I was good at hiding.

"You could be missing your destiny because you're so busy trying to be something other than what you are. You feel like you're not acceptable because you look around at other people or people have said things to you that have hurt you and you believe what they say.....You need to believe what God says about you not what people say about you" -Joyce

You're unique, special, one of a kind. God has a plan, picked out just for you, every intricate detail is laid out like a blueprint. Here's the thing though, it doesn't matter how many people's lives you look at and compare your own life to, He's not going to help you be that person, walk and talk like that person and have that person's life. The only person, the only goal, we should try to emulate is Jesus'. He's the only One who completed the will of God perfectly so of course He's the One we should look to.

Galatians 1:10
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

You have to ask yourself "who's approval am I trying to gain?" I'm a believer of being INTENTIONAL in everything that you do and letting those intentions be good,pure and in the will of God. You can't be "neutral" with it by trying to please everyone because people will not always agree with the things that God wants you to do. Your first priority should always be God.

Overcoming Insecurity is to forget the labels and opinions people and even yourself has placed on you and receiving/embracing what God says about you. What HE says is accurate and will always be the Truth. He knows the real you and He's not swayed by what other people think of you or even the negative and inaccurate opinions you think of yourself. When you know what God thinks of you, it completely changes things, it won't matter what others think because you are now standing on the Truth, if you start to doubt yourself you have the Truth to run back to.

The story of Gideon is a perfect example, God calls Gideon a "mighty warrior" even though at that time Gideon was hiding in the winepress from the Midianites (enemy of the Isarealites at that time; Read the book of judges to get the full story). Gideon couldn't see himself the way God saw him, and any person from the outside looking in would probably agree and say Gideon was scared and hiding, how in the world could he be a mighty warrior? None of that was changing God's truth about him. Gideon then goes off to defeat the Midianites and proves that what God called Him was accurate from the beginning, even if it couldn't be seen right away. What if he had believed the doubt he placed on himself instead of accepting what God told him? His life would be completely different.

Insecurities can be a stronghold, completely dictating how your think, act, dress, talk etc. Especially through social networks, social networks is a feeding ground for insecurities, most people won't post pictures of themselves on their worst day, so all you see is fabulously dressed, attractive looking people going to awesome places, eating food that looks expensive with friends that are just as attractive....24/7. You cannot live up to the things you see online because 9 times out of 10 its a moment captured not the full life of that person. If you feel like you have a habit of going on to these social networks and comparing yourself, I would ask that you fast from them for a while, a week, 2 weeks, 30 days. Sounds crazy enough right? Honestly, if it takes deleting a few apps from your phone for a set amount a time, sitting at the Lord's feet, praying, talking to Him, reading the Word etc while you and Him conquer your insecurities I believe its well worth it. You have to ask yourself what more do you want, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, or the eyes to see yourself the way God sees you. Eliminate the distractions if you have to.

In one of my lowest moments, drowned in insecurities a friend of mine asked me to read this book by Craig Groeschel called "Altar Ego" . This book put a lot of things in my life into perspective, its about becoming who God says you are not submitting to the the ideas and labels people placed on you, but putting them on the Altar and LEAVING IT THERE. I'm not saying its going to be easy, I'm saying its going to be worth it and with God helping you, you'll have victory. I'm urging you to read this book, its interesting and if it helped out someone like me, it can help anyone. It's inexpensive and worth every penny.

Stop comparing, you're one of a kind
Gaelle. M. D

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