Sunday, November 17, 2013

Keep Your Eyes On Him...

I cannot tell you how many times I've struggled with keeping my eyes on God. I would be great, completely consistent for a month of just "Me and God time" not being concerned about whats going on outside of that what so ever...then...just like that, my focus would shift. It wouldn't take too much doing either. Maybe I would get frustrated about something and focus more about how I was feeling rather than God or maybe someone received a blessing that I was hoping and praying for, whatever it was, my eyes would go from paying attention to what God was doing in my life to paying attention to everything but that. 

The world begs, pleads and screams for our attention everyday. Everywhere you go there's an advertisement about something, TV shows that depict what life could be like if we all had a certain amount of money and knew the right people, "everybody, everywhere has something to say about everything!" and that's just the outside world, then you may have financial struggle, family problems, marital problems or relationship issues. "It's ironic, when someone is distracted they miss the point, when its really the distractions that are hard to miss , but here's the thing...spiritual vision,which is our ability to see God clearly in what He wants us to do and to see the world from His perspective, can be easily clouded. It isn't hard at all to be wrapped up in a selfish desire or something that's troubling your heart. The issue is focus.

Matthew 14:29&30
And He said: "come" . Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out: "Lord, save me!"

The story of Peter is one those stories that gives the perfect example of what happens when you take your eyes off God, Peter was able to walk on water, by faith until he took his eyes off Jesus, looking at the storm instead and because of that he started to sink. Jesus was walking on the very thing that was threatening to overwhelm them, showing His power over it and Peter was able to do the "impossible" by keeping His eyes on Jesus. Often its too easy to focus on the problems in our lives or the chaos of this world that causes us to take our eyes off Jesus when the only thing that it leads us to do, is to go under. Whether it's to sink back into depression or those old ways that you know doesn't involve Jesus. The more you focus on your problems, the bigger it gets, which leads to you doubting God. I went through constant states of depression when I would focus on everything that wasn't perfect or going my way instead of the giver of peace and joy, I would doubt God and His love for me because all I could see was the problems,  it was draining. I actually got tired of not focusing on God.

When you find yourself in situations that causes you to be frustrated, discouraged and angry because of people it gets overwhelming, dealing with adversity and cruelty is hard, that's no secret, but that's when your eyes need to be focused back on Jesus, the Word of God and His faithfulness. God will always do His part in assisting you. He knows you're human and will always need His help. He's compassionate and will never leave you to walk through life alone if you just turn to Him.

But there are some things you can do to keep your focus on God and off of you and your issues:

  •  Spending time with God DAILY. Not just on Sundays. Reading your Bible and praying. Don't ever underestimate the power of praying, its a conversation between God and you in which you can completely be yourself and vulnerable and pour out. He even tells you to "Never stop praying" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
  • Cutting off your DISTRACTIONS, this could include certain people in your life. Who you surround yourself with is IMPORTANT to your future and present. Are your friends pouring into you whats positive, are they influencing you and pushing you toward the right things? Do they encourage you? Not everyone is meant to be your friend but we are commanded to love and treat everyone how we want to be treated.
  • Let go of always trying to know everything. You have to accept the things that you may not know the purpose to in those moments. No need to stress yourself out and lose your Focus trying to figure it all out. Rest in God's timing.
Colossians 3:2
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Setting your mind on things above means concentrating on the eternal rather than the temporal. It enables you to look at life from God's perspective and to seek what He desires. What's above is what's important, not what's here today and gone tomorrow. Don't forfeit the visions and plans God has for you and gave you by focusing on whats around you rather than Him and His power, glory, love and help.

God loves you...focus.
Gaelle Marelise .D

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