Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Know Your Worth

Discovering my worth was probably the most difficult process I HAD to go through. I always thought I knew my worth because I knew what I wanted, had a set of morals and things I would and would not stand for all planned out...I thought I had it in the bag. But being in a relationship for 6 years showed me that I did not know my worth and I had to start from scratch to even begin to understand what it COULD be, let alone what it is, in its entirety.

I was young when me and my now friend, (yup, we actually ended up being friends) got into a relationship when I was 16 up until 22 and although I wouldn't recommend anyone being in a long term relationship at 16 and prolonging it until 22, we did actually have a solid friendship foundation before entering into dating.

What this relationship showed me was that even though I may have had these things in my mind of what I wanted and what I would stand for, I didn't practice it, I compromised a lot and ultimately got hurt in different situations throughout us dating. The problem was I was weak in following through with what I knew was right for the sake of being loved and in a relationship. From the outside looking in this could be seen as being; weak, naive and young.

Men AND women should know their worth in Christ, I would even say it's essential. Not having an idea of the worth that God has placed in you will cause you to go through situations you don't have to, have friendships and relationships that can be toxic and not walking away from situations that is not in God's will for you to be in. Basically a field day for the enemy in your life.

In Psalm 139:14
- I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Ever wonder what it means to be FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made? To understand that God intricately took the time to put you together, that you're born original with a purpose that through Christ advances His kingdom on Earth. That's both scary and amazing. David (author of this Psalm) also says "I know that full well". He FULLY knows the worth God placed on Him and praises Him for it. I remember God would put certain people in different periods of my life to constantly remind me to seek Him to find my worth, it was a persistent, He cared about it and put more of an effort to spark that desire in me more than I did. Sometimes I would even ignore those prompts because I just "knew" I had it all together, but my understanding was so far from that.

Your worth is found in Christ. Period. It's not what people say you are, its not even who you say you are, none of that will give you an accurate description as God telling you who you are.  His Truth is final. God is your creator He's the One who made you and the One who knows how you should be, how you should be treated, and how you should treat yourself.


There are times that all of us feel discouraged and that due to our past mistakes we may feel there is no way God can see us in a good way or value us, But His Word tell us in:

Jeremiah 1:5
- Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.   

He knew every mistake you were going to make before it was a thought, before you were born, before you entered this Earth . His love isn't conditional and the worth He placed on you before the beginning of time is the same worth you have now, it hasn't wavered or decreased and He will still use you in a amazing way to show His glory

Knowing your worth is a PROCESS! You probably wont wake up tomorrow and have a full understanding of it, but seeking Christ with all of you heart, soul, mind, and strength will reveal it in a real way. I sometimes use diamonds as an analogy, its hidden in places you have to dig for, people spend their lives searching for diamonds and their hard earned money buying it because their seen as great worth. Some even risk their lives to find the most precious ones,but God says that we're worth far above that, He set us aside just for Him.

I'm urging you to seek God to find your worth, to know exactly who you are and meant to be, there's not a day that you'll regret entering His rest and knowing full well that no matter what negative assumption that may be placed on you, you know exactly how precious you are

Love Always,
Gaelle Marelise. D

1 comment:

  1. I really needed this, thank you so much Gaelle. You have an impeccable way of seeing things. I love you sweetie<3
